Urology Surgery

Laproscopic umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia occurs when part of your intestine bulges through the opening in your abdominal muscles near your bellybutton.

Umbilical hernias are relatively common and usually harmless. Umbilical hernias are most common in infants, but they can also occur in adults. An umbilical hernia in an infant is especially noticeable when the infant cries, causing the bellybutton to swell. This is a common symptom of an umbilical hernia.

Umbilical hernias in children typically close on their own within the first two years of life, though some may remain open until the fifth year or later. Umbilical hernias that appear during adulthood are more likely to need surgical repair.


The bulge in a baby with an umbilical hernia may be visible only when they cry, cough, or strain. Visit a doctor if your baby has an umbilical hernia and:

  • Appears to be in pain
  • Begins to vomit
  • Has tenderness, swelling, or discoloration at the site of the hernia Tests and Treatment

The following tests will be recommended to determine the severity of the umbilical hernia and the best way to perform the surgery.

  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • MRI scan

The doctor will determine which technique is safer and more effective for umbilical hernia treatment based on the results of these imaging tests.


Umbilical hernia repair surgery is a procedure that involves repairing umbilical hernias by repositioning the herniated organ and closing the perforation around the navel. This type of hernia can be very problematic for the patient, especially in children. In adults, the surgery can be performed electively depending on the symptoms. But in children, the surgery is delayed until the child reaches the age of 4-5 years.

A laparoscope, a thin, telescope-like instrument inserted through a small incision at the umbilicus, is used in laparoscopic (minimally invasive) hernia repair (belly button). The laparoscope is linked to a dime-sized video camera that projects an inside view of your body onto television screens in the operating room.

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