Penile implant
Penile implants are used to treat erectile dysfunction as well as Peyronie's disease. In some cases, Implants look and feel natural and they do not affect your ability to climax.
With Erectile Dysfunction (ED), it is hard to get or keep an erection that is firm enough for sex. When ED becomes a routine and bothersome problem, your primary care provider or a Urologist can help.
Peyronie's disease is a noncancerous disorder caused by fibrous scar tissue on the penis that causes twisted, painful erections. Penises vary in shape and size, and having a curved erection isn't necessarily a cause for concern. Yet, in some individuals, Peyronie's illness creates a substantial bend or pain.
Signs and symptoms of Peyronie's disease might occur suddenly or gradually. The common signs and symptoms include:
- Scar tissue.
- A significant bend to the penis.
- Erection problems.
- Shortening of the penis.
- Pain.
- Other penile deformity.
Tests for underlying conditions might include:
- Physical exam.
- Blood tests.
- Urine tests (urinalysis).
- Ultrasound.
During surgery, a tube (catheter) may be put into your bladder via your penis to collect urine. Your surgeon will create an incision in the lower abdomen, below the head of the penis, or at the base of the penis.
Make an appointment right away for consultation on issues related to sexology.
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